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Getting started

ReScript Test is a lightweight test framework with:

  • A minimal API surface: reduces the mental overhead
  • Built-in extensibility: so that you can create your own building blocks
  • Native node.js & opt-in DOM testing: to fit all your needs
  • Speed: we don't embed anything fancy, it just makes your tests run fast
  • A clear output: your test results are easy to read
Test output screenshot
test("AsyncData getExn", () => {  throws(() => getExn(NotAsked))  throws(() => getExn(Loading))  doesNotThrow(() => {    let _ = getExn(Done(1))  })})
test("AsyncData mapWithDefaultU", () => {  intEqual(NotAsked->mapWithDefaultU(0, (. value) => value + 1), 0)  intEqual(Loading->mapWithDefaultU(0, (. value) => value + 1), 0)  intEqual(Done(1)->mapWithDefaultU(0, (. value) => value + 1), 2)})
test("AsyncData mapWithDefault", () => {  intEqual(NotAsked->mapWithDefault(0, value => value + 1), 0)  intEqual(Loading->mapWithDefault(0, value => value + 1), 0)  intEqual(Done(1)->mapWithDefault(0, value => value + 1), 2)})
test("AsyncData mapU", () => {  asyncDataEqual(NotAsked->mapU((. value) => value + 1), NotAsked)  asyncDataEqual(Loading->mapU((. value) => value + 1), Loading)  asyncDataEqual(Done(1)->mapU((. value) => value + 1), Done(2))})