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React testing

If you want to test React components, you can compose some building blocks from this framework to get tests that look like the following:

open ReactTest
testWithReact("TodoList", container => {  act(() => {    ReactDOM.render(<TodoList />, container)  })
  containsElement(~message="Contains input to create todo", container, `input[type="text"]`)
  let input = container->querySelector(`input[type="text"]`)
  act(() => {    switch input {    | Some(input) => input->Simulate.changeWithEvent({"target": {"value": "First todo"}})    | None => ()    }  })
  act(() => {    switch input {    | Some(input) => input->Simulate.keyDownWithEvent({"key": "Enter"})    | None => ()    }  })
  containsElementWithPartialText(    ~message="Contains submitted todo",    container,    `label`,    `First todo`,  )  containsElement(~message="Contains a checkbox", container, `input[type="checkbox"]`)  containsElement(~message="Contains a deletion button", container, `button[aria-label="Delete"]`)
  let deleteButton = container->querySelector(`button[aria-label="Delete"]`)
  act(() => {    switch deleteButton {    | Some(deleteButton) => deleteButton->    | None => ()    }  })
  doesNotContainElementWithPartialText(    ~message="Removed the todo on delete",    container,    `label`,    `First todo`,  )})

Checkout the following examples (you're free to copy/paste them into your project!):